
Collection #2

This is Collection #2, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.

3 min. read Published:

Laravel: Why eager-loaded relations weren't working in unit tests

I just had an issue with eager-loaded relations not working in unit tests. Here's how I solved the issue.

4 min. read Published:

A deeper look into PHP Hash Algorithms

After my first post about the current status of PHP Hash Algorithms, I did another update of the code and dived a little bit more deeper into the matter. Here are the results.

3 min. read Published:

PHP Hash Algorithms in Detail

Aren't you curious about all the different algorithms available for PHP's hash() function? Search no further, I have you covered.

6 min. read Published:

A drop-in Docker stack for PHP apps

Over the past months I gradually implemented a solid Docker setup for all private projects. As I think that this stack is quite solid so I want to share it with you.

3 min. read Published:

Laravel 5: Use Query Caching to make your App really fast

There are several methods to make your Laravel app faster by using caching. Today I want to introduce query caching which reduced the number of database calls to almost zero.

6 min. read Published:

Me, myself and InvoicePlane – 4 Years into Open Source

It’s been almost 4 years since I started the InvoicePlane project. Here are some things I learned about coding, planning, maintenance and project- and community management.

4 min. read Published:

Programmatically add Custom Buttons to the Wordpress TinyMCE Editor

You can add 10 new custom buttons to the Wordpress Richtext Editor (TinyMCE) manually and bloat your functions.php – or you use this dynamic batch-like approach.

1 min. read Published:

4 hidden Secrets about Laravel

An article written by Matt Stauffer about 4 hidden Laravel secrets.

1 min. read Published:

Laravel query caching with Rememberable

Reduce the query count with query caching in Laravel.

1 min. read Published:

Convert arrays to objects in various ways

Examples for converting arrays into objects in PHP

1 min. read Published:

Jumpstarting any Laravel app with Laracogs

The CRUD builder looks awesome! More features: notifications, complete bootstrap, form maker and billing with Cashier.

3 min. read Published:

A small password suggestion generator for Codeigniter

Need a password suggestion generator for your (Codeigniter) app? Look no further, you can find two different approaches in this tutorial

3 min. read Published:

Laravel 4: Localization based on the subdomain

Need to change the application language used by Laravel based on the subdomain? Here's how to achieve it with some simple lines of code.