
4 min. read Published:

The Odyssey of a PostgreSQL restore

I just wanted to restore the database from a backup I created from my production database...

3 min. read Published:

Setapp: Your Mac's Ultimate App Arsenal

Transform your Mac with Setapp's all-access pass to 200+ apps.

1 min. read Published:

The 15 best Dark Mode Desktop Wallpaper from Unsplash

From a collection of 50 Unsplash wallpapers, these are my favourite 15 desktop wallpapers suitable for Dark Mode.

3 min. read Published:

Automatically generating Oh my ZSH theme screenshots

The wiki page of the Oh my ZSH shell contains more than 100 themes. I tried to generate screenshots for all.

9 min. read Published:

Rebuilding my blog as a static site with Hugo

I share some insights about rebuilding this blog, originally based on Wordpress, as a static site with Hugo.

8 min. read Published:

Why exclusive Game releases are bad for Publishers

More publishers release their games exclusively on one platform - and lose a lot of money with that. So I built a calculator for this.

8 min. read Published:

Stop stressing yourself to death

Over the past months I gradually implemented a solid Docker setup for all private projects. As I think that this stack is quite solid so I want to share it with you.

2 min. read Published:

Starting into Web Development - A small Guide

A user stated he would like to start into web development and become a full stack developer. I wrote a small guide for him.

6 min. read Published:

Me, myself and InvoicePlane – 4 Years into Open Source

It’s been almost 4 years since I started the InvoicePlane project. Here are some things I learned about coding, planning, maintenance and project- and community management.

1 min. read Published:

Watch – A Unix command to tail directories

Watch executes programs periodically, making it perfect for use cases like tailing directories.

1 min. read Published:

Instagram’s broken Links in the Help Center

Want to report an Image on Instagram? Visiting the Help Center will lead to endless searches for the correct forms that will then be not available anymore.

1 min. read Published:

Smoothly animate particles with HTML5

Peter Beshai explains how to efficiently animate thousands of points in canvas.

1 min. read Published:

Vivus Instant

Need inline SVG animations but don’t want to use Javascript? Try Vivus Instant.

1 min. read Published:

Lint HTML with CSS

Visually mark HTML elements with the help of CSS if the elements are broken or incomplete.