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Today I released a project more than a year in the making: LinkAce. A self-hosted bookmark archive. Completely open source and free to use.
A web tool to find the most profitable trades between two merchants. Perfect for gamers.
Three weeks ago DevLorem was a simple PHP app serving a website. Now the DevLorem is a powerfull CLI tool and web server, available as a single binary for 7 different platforms.
You may use it daily, without even noticing it much: the Windows Explorer. This is about my past with it and an interesting link ti its history.
Litebit.eu, a market for cryptocoins, has become the victim of a cyberattack. Attackers gained access to personal information but not the coin wallet servers.
The Roomba vacuum cleaner series 900, made by iRobot, maps your home to improve his cleaning efforts. iRobot plans to sell this mapping data to companies like Google or Amazon.
David Gilbertson published a small collection of 11 super useful tips for working with CSS flexbox.
The Smashing Magazine is doing a complete overhaul of it’s website and print magazine. Here’s a sneak preview.
A post on Exploitee.rs explains an exploit which makes WD My Cloud vulnerable to remote attacks.
The ISP injects scripts into websites with man-in-the-middle attacks to show messages to their customers.
A Bootstrap alternative, built by the team of Salesforce
The biggest German magazine for tech news, heise.de, just published a new portal called Tippgeber.
Stack Overflow introduces a feature called Documentation where users can document several features or hidden tricks for anything related to programming.