A web tool to find the most profitable trades between two merchants. Perfect for gamers.
With the end of 2019 closing the 2010 decade, it's time to think about the future decade: 2020.
More publishers release their games exclusively on one platform - and lose a lot of money with that. So I built a calculator for this.
A new game publishing and key selling service for small developers.
A wallpaper pack based on the Fallout 4 Power Armor helmets artwork made by me.
A free game by the game developer of "The Stanley Parable"
Noticed something weird on the startup screen of Bethesda's E3 preview...
Valve's new gaming console
More computing power than the Titan X but consume far less Watts.
Very interesting article about the mechanics behind competitive multiplayer FPS games.
Did you played GTA V? If yes, watch this video. If not, watch it too.
See what's possible if you combine both technologies.
A modded Corsair Air 540. Looks awesome!
Blizzard just released a new patch for Diablo II. What year is it? 1995?