8 min. read Published:

Why and How: Switch from RSA to EdDSA/ED25519 SSH keys

While RSA is still sufficient to work with while connecting to servers, you probably want to switch to EdDSA sooner or later. But probably sooner.

4 min. read Published:

A deeper look into PHP Hash Algorithms

After my first post about the current status of PHP Hash Algorithms, I did another update of the code and dived a little bit more deeper into the matter. Here are the results.

3 min. read Published:

PHP Hash Algorithms in Detail

Aren't you curious about all the different algorithms available for PHP's hash() function? Search no further, I have you covered.

3 min. read Published:

Be careful with Docker port binding

In a recent security incident I learned that you have to be very careful with binding port on your Docker setup.

4 min. read Published:

Daily struggles with Selects

Working with select elements in forms is hard if you have dynamic inputs or large lists to choose from - or simply want to load options from the backend.

3 min. read Published:

Automatically generating Oh my ZSH theme screenshots

The wiki page of the Oh my ZSH shell contains more than 100 themes. I tried to generate screenshots for all.

2 min. read Published:

Useful Docker shell aliases

A collection of useful shell aliases for Docker and Docker Compose to speed up the development workflows.

2 min. read Published:

How to mirror private Github repositories to Gitea

I recently tried to mirror some private repositories from Github to my local Gitea setup which led to some errors. Here's how to do it.

6 min. read Published:

Cut your Docker for Mac response times in half with docker-sync

I was able to reduce the response times of my apps running with Docker for Mac up to 80%, by using the docker-sync tool.

3 min. read Published:

Setting up DNSSEC with Cloudflare and INWX

A short guide on how to set up DNSSEC with Cloudflare as the nameserver and INWX as your registrar.

5 min. read Published:

Publishing a static website to the dat:// network

A detailed tutorial about publishing a static website to the dat:// network, a new P2P internet network.

9 min. read Published:

Rebuilding my blog as a static site with Hugo

I share some insights about rebuilding this blog, originally based on Wordpress, as a static site with Hugo.

6 min. read Published:

A drop-in Docker stack for PHP apps

Over the past months I gradually implemented a solid Docker setup for all private projects. As I think that this stack is quite solid so I want to share it with you.

8 min. read Published:

Why exclusive Game releases are bad for Publishers

More publishers release their games exclusively on one platform - and lose a lot of money with that. So I built a calculator for this.