1 min. read Published:


Popper.js - A small library for customizable tooltips and popovers

1 min. read Published:

Translation Services compared

1 min. read Published:

The best copy protections within Games

1 min. read Published:

The Vivaldi browser

A Google-less Webkit based browser with a lot of possibilities to customize the look and feel

1 min. read Published:

Change the cursor on your website to an Emoji

Yes, it's possible. Change the cursor to an emoji.

1 min. read Published:

Reddit Robin

Want to know what the small grey button with a red pidgeon in the Reddit sidebar is?

1 min. read Published:

Overengineering at it's best

Overengineering at it's best for an open source TSA Line Assistant app

1 min. read Published:

console.time and console.timeEnd

You can use console.time and console.timeEnd to measure the time it takes to do stuff in JavaScript

1 min. read Published:

Some fresh themes to spice up Hacker News

I decided to create some themes to spice up the Hacker News site with CSS only that can be used with almost every browser

1 min. read Published:

Alternativeto.net now comes with new design

Alternativeto, the site known for finding the best alternative applications, got a new and fresh design.

3 min. read Published:

A small password suggestion generator for Codeigniter

Need a password suggestion generator for your (Codeigniter) app? Look no further, you can find two different approaches in this tutorial

5 min. read Published:

Why Apple may lose its status as a top tech company

Why Apple may lose its status as a top tech company because of missing innovations in the last years while other companies are pushing forward

3 min. read Published:

Kovah.me - Under the Hood

An article about my new blog and what it's built on: Wordpress and a lot of work.

3 min. read Published:

Laravel 5: Localization based on the subdomain

You want to set the locale of your Laravel 5 application based on the visited subdomain? Here is the full tutorial.