Over the past months I gradually implemented a solid Docker setup for all private projects. As I think that this stack is quite solid so I want to share it with you.
There are several methods to make your Laravel app faster by using caching. Today I want to introduce query caching which reduced the number of database calls to almost zero.
You can add 10 new custom buttons to the Wordpress Richtext Editor (TinyMCE) manually and bloat your functions.php – or you use this dynamic batch-like approach.
We want to achieve the following behaviour: if a text is centered and becomes aligned left when it files multiple lines.
Yes, it's possible. Change the cursor to an emoji.
I decided to create some themes to spice up the Hacker News site with CSS only that can be used with almost every browser
Need a password suggestion generator for your (Codeigniter) app? Look no further, you can find two different approaches in this tutorial
You want to set the locale of your Laravel 5 application based on the visited subdomain? Here is the full tutorial.
Learn how to easy add a progress bar to your Impress.js presentation with some lines of HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Do you want to customize some parts of your GitLab server? Here's how to do it with some simple steps.
Need to change the application language used by Laravel based on the subdomain? Here's how to achieve it with some simple lines of code.
Follow this tutorial powered by Kovah.me to install the Kandan chat system on your Ubuntu 12.04 server running with Apache / Plesk.