
1 min. read Published:

The success of Pokèmon Go

And how it surpasses Twitter in terms of daily active users on the US market for Android.

1 min. read Published: announces Indie Valley

A new game publishing and key selling service for small developers.

1 min. read Published:

Fallout 4 Power Armor Helmets

A wallpaper pack based on the Fallout 4 Power Armor helmets artwork made by me.

1 min. read Published:

The Temple of No

A free game by the game developer of "The Stanley Parable"

1 min. read Published:

The new Nvidia GTX 1080

More computing power than the Titan X but consume far less Watts.

1 min. read Published:


A drone video that uses the Vertigo effect to create stunning visual effects.

1 min. read Published:

Coca Cola rolls out their new design language

1 min. read Published:

OSX vulnerable to remote code execution trough Git

Another keep-your-software-up-to-date warning

1 min. read Published:

The Lytro Cinema

Need a camera with 755 Megapixel resolution, 40k video and 300 fps?

1 min. read Published:

Some fresh ideas for logins, menus and other stuff

Need some fresh ideas for logins, menus and other stuff? Take a look at this Smashing Magazine compilation of Codepen stuff.

1 min. read Published:

1 min. read Published:


1 min. read Published:

What your Browser knows about you

1 min. read Published:

Program little games with CSS only

Una Kravets explains how to use counter-increment, counter-reset and checkboxes to make little games with CSS.